Yes you will save a lot of money if company is legit, Just be aware that you should never paid more than $100 dollars for virus removal service with a remote computer repair online service.There been a lot of remote computer scams . Please keep this in mind if someone say they work for Microsoft, please hang up the phone.Computer Repair 2u want to make sure it doesn't happen to you. Remote computer repair scams Here's what you should do when you're looking for someone to hire remotely for computer support. Take a minute and think about this would you want to hire someone that you can't get in contact with physically. I mean there's a lot of companies that work from overseas. Most of the time you have no idea where the companies are located. I have been to a lot of customers home in most of them told me that they were scam by these computer companies overseas, most are companies from India. Well let's talk about why you should use computer repair 2u. We are a local company that is located in the High Desert(USA) that do online computer repair worldwide.
This does not mean by no means that you should not use remote computer repair services for your computer. One of the best ways to save a lot of money, when your computer get a computer virus or malware infection is online computer repair.
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